Another catchup post
A grab-bag of Presidential election stuff I just now got around to looking at:
(Disclaimer: some of these may require registration)
On the choice of running mate
Kerry is trying out a new ad in New Mexico.
Unhappy with Bush but not keen on Kerry
Here's something new: an AP poll that finds, among other things, that 51 percent of those polled said it's time to give someone else a chance to be president.
So much for a Reagan bounce
On the popularity of political toys (Am I just a pervert or does that sound vaguely dirty?)
On the Reagans and Bush
I'm probably glad I didn't have to look at Bush in his undershirt, but still...
On "Mr. Major League Potty Mouth" (and whether the administration is losing its grip)
Remember the group of 26 former diplomats, etc. who spoke up against Bush? Well, here is their statement, which I have never seen anywhere else. (Maybe I just wasn't looking very hard.)
Jack Ryan is offering refunds to his donors.
(Most of these come from White House 2004 mailing list, which, in case I haven't pimped it before, is really good for this kind of stuff.)