"Every why hath a wherefore." - Comedy of Errors, Act 2, Scene 2

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Those meddling kids

Some DeLay comedy today - courtesy of Topfive.com. (And I was going to just link to this but I can't find it online, so you get the whole thing.)

The Top 7 People Tom Delay Has Yet to Blame

7> Newt Gingrich: It was his sanctimonious, holier-than-thou
attitude that got these ethics wars going in the first place.

6> University philosophy departments: They're teaching classes in
ethics that fail to recognize the recent advances made in

5> Terri Schiavo: Obviously an insufficient distraction.

4> Will Rogers: Never met me.

3> James Madison: For drafting the Constitution with an
independent judiciary.

2> Machiavelli: That damn book made it seem so easy.

and the Number 1 Person Tom Delay Has Yet to Blame...

1> Scooby Doo: Meddling kids....

(This comes from their weekly political list, which you can subscribe to here.)

Huh. Gay men's brains respond differently from those of heterosexual males when exposed to a sexual stimulus.
...the findings clearly show a biological involvement in sexual orientation.
Those people who say that you can change your sexual orientation if you just try hard enough aren't going to like that.

Apparently this is not a new article, but I hadn't seen it: Christopher Hitchens in Vanity Fair on voting irregularities.


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