"Every why hath a wherefore." - Comedy of Errors, Act 2, Scene 2

Friday, May 06, 2005

A couple of things

I bet the "anti-piracy" people aren't too happy about this.

George Will doesn't think too much of this "if you're not with us, you're a bad American" thing that the Religious Right's been throwing around, either.

I assume that everybody noticed that yesterday was 5-5-05? It occurred to me that next year there will be a 6-6-06, which means that the religious nuts will probably go into a frenzy of millennial proportions. (Note, incidentally, that for all my ranting about the Religious Right, I don't consider that they generally fall into the category of full-fledged nuts. I imagine that true religious nuts come in all political stripes, actually, although in my experience they do tend towards the conservative.)


Blogger Coach Marty said...

Ya know...

I turned 40 on 04/04/04. I wonder what that means?

8:45 PM


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