"Every why hath a wherefore." - Comedy of Errors, Act 2, Scene 2

Friday, September 17, 2004

Here a poll, there a poll

Kerry may have a September resurgence, says CNN. That's nice of them to say, since at least some of the polls say it's already happened. And that Gallup poll showing the president with a 13-point lead? The Note (which is ABC News, remember) uses the word "joke" (see the top paragraph). And I'm guessing they don't choose that word lightly. Apparently Gallup has been weighting the voting toward Republicans.

Teresa Neilsen-Hayden on "No-Fly" lists and the proposed new "Trusted Traveler" card. The world gets more Orwellian every day.

And in completely apolitical news, John Scalzi points out that Roger Ebert has revamped his website, which is good news for film geeks. (It looks like you can also just go to plain rogerebert.com as well.)


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