"Every why hath a wherefore." - Comedy of Errors, Act 2, Scene 2

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

John & Jon

(Does "John & Jon" sound like a porn movie, or am I just a pervert?)

Anyway, John Kerry was on the Daily Show last night, in case you haven't heard. I saw it - Kerry is no Bill Clinton as far as personality, but he didn't do badly. I thought Jon Stewart was pretty easy on him, really.


This guy's a lawyer and he doesn't see the conflict of interest? Was he asleep in that part of ethics class or something? However, I think Mary Beth Cahill might be a little overboard with some of this:
Now we know why George Bush refuses to specifically condemn these false ads. People deeply involved in his own campaign are behind them, from paying for them, to appearing in them, to providing legal advice, to coordinating a negative strategy to divert the public away from issues like jobs, health care and the mess in Iraq, the real concerns of the American people. It's time for George Bush to take responsibility himself and condemn these false attacks
Not that I completely disagree with any of that, I'm just not sure that this proves anything.


Meanwhile, Cheney is getting flack from all sides, which always amuses me.

And did you know that Olympic athletes are barred from blogging? Weird.


And... the protestant majority is vanishing. I had no idea. (Here's the scholarly piece that article was based on, in pdf.) So maybe I shouldn't worry so much about the "moral majority" taking over the country - hell, they're not even a majority!


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