More tinkering
I changed the template - I liked the one with the dark background, but you could barely read the links. They needed to be a lighter color, but I'm not tinkering with the template. That seems to me to be asking for trouble! (If you haven't figured it out by now - and I imagine most of the people reading this are coming from my journal, so you probably have - I am no html guru. I barely know html at all, and I just don't feel comfortable messing around with things like templates.) Anyway, I do like the new one - it's just a different-colored version of the same one, as you can see.
Incidentally, in case some of you guys who complain about me not updating are reading, I signed up for AlphaBytes (I'll add a link to it when I figure out where it is!) so I should be updating regularly again, at least for June. And at least for a while afterwards, if I get in the groove like I did for Holidailies.
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