"Every why hath a wherefore." - Comedy of Errors, Act 2, Scene 2

Thursday, May 27, 2004

More bad news for the administration

Kerry is trouncing Bush in battleground states.


I'm just now getting around to reading Al Gore's speech. (Apparently "just now" is even more true than I thought - it says it was in February. I didn't realize that; I've heard it mentioned so many times in the last few days I thought it was something new! I guess that's that blogging thing again. The same stuff goes round and round...)

I tell you what, though, this describes the whole Bush administration to a tee:
...as I tried to interpret what was driving these various policies, certain common features became obvious and a clear pattern emerged: in every case there was a determined disinterest in the facts; an inflexible insistence on carrying out preconceived policies regardless of the evidence concerning what might work and what clearly would not; a consistent bias favoring the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the broader public interest; and a marked tendency to develop policies in secret, avoid accountability to the public, the Congress or the Press; and a disturbing willingness to misrepresent the true nature of the policy involved.


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