"Every why hath a wherefore." - Comedy of Errors, Act 2, Scene 2

Sunday, May 30, 2004


60 Minutes ran pictures of all 800 people who have been killed in Iraq. It took 11 minutes, they said. It seemed shorter, actually. They ran them across the screen pretty fast, too, or it would have taken even longer. They scrolled across, right to left. Almost all very young, almost all male. My husband was trying to count and he thought there were 15 women. And one of those forbidden pictures of a flag-draped coffin was at the beginning and the end. And they used that Samuel Barber piece - you know, the one from Platoon - that's become like the modern version of "Taps" - I wonder what Barber would think if he knew how that piece is used these days.

Incidentally, Pat Boone says 60 Minutes and CBS are traitors. Because, you know, they dared to talk about Abu Ghraib, instead of waiting patiently for the administration to do something about it, like they should have. And so it's all their fault.


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