"Every why hath a wherefore." - Comedy of Errors, Act 2, Scene 2

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Stay off the internets!

This one made me laugh. DeLay is criticizing judges again (no big surprise there). This time the target is Justice Kennedy, who, among other things, has made the foul mistake of doing his own research on the internet.
Has the Internet become the devil's workshop? Is it some infernal machine now that needs to be avoided by all right-thinking Americans?
--Senator Dick Durbin, D-Illinois

(I am assuming the answer from the DeLay camp would be yes, actually. Or at least, that it should be avoided unless you're looking at such god-approved websites as anncoulter.com or southernbaptists.com. Assuming, of course, that those two websites exist, since I just totally made them up. I refuse to look to see, particularly for the former; that woman gives me hives.)


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