"Every why hath a wherefore." - Comedy of Errors, Act 2, Scene 2

Friday, October 01, 2004

There's got to be a morning after

CNN is working on a debate transcript - it starts here and there's a sidebar with the links to the other pieces.

I didn't have a lot to say during the debate, did I? That's mostly because I was in chat almost the whole time. Most of what I had to say was fairly predictable given my normal take on the participants, anyway. I don't know how much effect it will have in the end, but I thought Kerry looked presidential and Bush looked petulant, which is pretty important, all told. Usually it seems in the end like form matters more than substance in these things. Everybody remembers (or has heard about) Nixon sweating in his debates against Kennedy; does anybody remember what was actually said in that debate?

(And boy, does that title give me 70s flashbacks.)


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