"Every why hath a wherefore." - Comedy of Errors, Act 2, Scene 2

Saturday, July 09, 2005

"The liberals are gaining"

The Stevens court? This rates a post all by itself largely because of the phrase in the title above. "The liberals are gaining" is just not a phrase you see every day in the oh-so-Republican new millennium. -- And I can't say I believe it for a minute, to tell you the truth. But its presence in USA Today interested me. (The article is interesting, too, don't get me wrong. Good lord, who besides Supreme Court junkies even pays any attention to Stevens?)

Incidentally (in regard to the "oh-so-Republican new millennium" remark above) I find myself hoping lately that when we look back on these years later, it will all just seem like post-9/11 hysteria. Let's all cross our fingers for that, okay?


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